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Modifying your app

Now that we have your app up and running, let's customize it.

Modifying the app's color theme

Obviously, a lot of model changes are possible. For this example we will change the color theme of your app.

👉 Choose User interfaces in the main menu.

Select your Angular user interface.
Modify both colors Color and Secondary color to match your needs. Click save (or press CTRL+S) to apply your changes.

Downloading the updated app's source code

Now that we changed the app's model, let's download the updated source code.
To re-generate your app's source code, click on the button in the top-right corner of the screen. Select the option: Generate app incremental

Wait until the app is generated. As a result wyStack will provide you with a ZIP-file containing all source code changes.

Extracting the incremental ZIP-file

Extract the source updates ZIP file and overwrite the changes on your local development machine.

Changes are automatically applied to your app, for most changes you don't have to re-start the Angular or .NET compiler.

Updating source code using wyStack CLI

Downloading ZIP-files all the time after each model change wouldn't be very efficient, would it? To automatically push source code changes to your local development machine you can use wyStack CLI, a small command line tool that will help you to update your source code automatically.

For more information about wyStack CLI, check the wyStack CLI docs: wyStack CLI