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Database and blob connection strings

wyStack apps are using 2 separate stores to store data: files (blobs) and metadata (relational database).

Blob storage

In order to use file-storage/upload files in the UI or API you need an Azure Blob storage account.
Provide the Azure Blob storage settings, for example:

  • Account name: myappblobstorage
  • Account key: * (request using the Azure portal)
  • Azure container: mycontainer

Metadata storage

When you are using SQL Server as a data storage (Entity Framework supports only SQL Server) you will need to provide a valid connection string to your local database (Development deployment) or a cloud/remote database (other deployments).

For example: Data Source=.;Initial Catalog=myapp_%tenant%_%dataStore%;User=dbuser;Password=pwd;MultipleActiveResultSets=True

Note: you can use %tenant% as a placeholder to automatically insert the current tenant in the database connection string. All wyStack apps are supporting multi-tenancy by default. If you don't use it, the default tenant is used: default

You can use %dataStore% as a placeholder to automatically insert the current datastore in the database connection string.

What is a datastore?

Hangfire storage

Provide a valid database connection string when you are using the Hangfire feature.

For example: Data Source=.;Initial Catalog=myapp__hangfire;User=dbuser;Password=pwd;MultipleActiveResultSets=True